Saturday, January 19, 2008

Better Saturday morning to you! especially now that it's Monday night

With a cup of coffee in hand, I skipped reading the online paper headlines and headed over to the blog rolls to check out what was happening. Much more upbeat for a Saturday morning.

Over at Derfwad Manor Mrs. G is tripping down memory hair lane and taking a whole lot of people with her.

Her post is as funny as it is disturbing. The comments also support the entry very well. (Note - the content may evoke an episode of Post-Traumatic Hair Distress Syndrome!)

Oh the memories! Worse still, the pictures that *I* have that I have yet to destroy. (Why I keep them, I don't know. Perhaps it has something to do with my thymotic urge.)

Hair seems to be an all consuming issue this week. Meg over at is living through the shock of her latest haircut, where she got some new bangs. Trés chique.

This led me to doing some reminiscing, and remembering that I recently saved a box of pictures from the basement. Most of the pictures that made it to albums have to do with CUs 1 and 2 (3 is in her own book up until two years ago when everyone's stopped getting updated.)

So, in a knod to the great thymotic urge, here's me in some of my great glory:

This is me ... in Grade 4.

(My dear CU-1 just walked by and asked me who HE was. Bahahahahaha.

And this

The picture to the right is one of the best reasons I don't let people take my picture! (Believe me, it's one of the better ones!)

My ex-in-laws kept wanting to take me to their hair dresser every time we went out East. The mothership never really knew what to do with it. My best attempts show little success at taming the lion within. And people wonder why I have hair issues.

Upon posting this, I'm seriously doubting that I'll ever have a "I read your blog" recognition moment like Johnathan and Mike have had. ;-)


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

love the doo in the side pic along the canal. you have the greatest hair ever!

Anonymous said...

Hey - I think your hair is cool. Did you ever see Robin Hood - the one with Costner and Rickman and Mary Elizabeth Mastriantonio - or however you spell that. She played Maid Marian, and her hair is full and curly and dramatic like yours. The hairdresser did that thing where you put the hair in a low, loose ponytail, then make a "hole and pull the ponytail through the hole at least once, twice if possible. It makes kind of a romantic puffy "Gibson Girl" look on the sides, plus it keeps your hair out of your eyes and looks fantastic. Only people with really thick and preferably curly hair can pull it off. It's very easy to do. I have pathetic thin hair, but even though it doesn't look that great, it DOES keep my hair very neat. If you try it, I want to see a picture!