Saturday, October 13, 2007

My bald baby

It took three children to have the dreaded hair cut incident.

She'd walked away with a kid's scissors.

We'd thought she was working on crafts.

CU-4 was providing cover for her, distracting us by pulling down papers and getting into the tangle of computer wires.

Then it got quite.

"Where's CU-3?"


"I'm in here Da-a-a-hd."

[It's dark in there.]


"Cutting my hair."

The air caught a collective OH SHIT!

So she's got a big bald spot on the side of her head. That's an achievement the other three haven't done yet.


Anonymous said...

Um, I don't quite know how to tell you this, but CU-3 comes by the hair cutting honestly. You see I did it with kids plastic scissors, and my little sister did the same. Must run in the family.

richgold said...

There are things that DH should have told me before I married him!