Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday's love list

Meg Fowler's thrown me a twist today - I'd have to come up with a Megish love list. Arrrgh. I find coming up with my own a tricky feat. I'd started my own, when I realized that I thought I misread the post (I had ...). Thus, for you two or three readers, here's *my* Friday love list:

Love list?

1. A back that doesn't ache.
2. Wet, cold, rainy days. I so much more appreciate the bed, a warm cup-a, books, bathes, TV, CBC radio, especially when they play jazz.
3. An old fashioned snow storm.
4. Shoes that fit well.
5. Scallops.
6. That my body still does what I need it to do, despite the abuse I've put it through.
7. Creative thinking.
8. Humor.
9. Holding hands.
10. Walking through fallen leaves.
11. The smell of a cold morning.
12. Hats.
13. Hats on babies.

What do you love?


Anonymous said...

I love warm Indian Summer afternoons, the colors of the trees as I remember them. The rustle of dry leaves as the wind breathes on them gently. Smiling babies and little ones, the smell of the house after a large baking. Accompaning the "old guy" for a ride to scout out where the geese are landing, where the deer are munching, out for a coffee, fixing dinner, watching TV, and chatting on line with my favorite daughter-in-law.

Sage said...

I love:
1. A really good cup of coffee
2. A roaring fire on a chilly day
3. Puppy kisses
4. A warm cat in my lap
5. A book that totally captures my attention
6. A good hug
7. The smell of balsam and cedar as I drive through wooded areas
8. A warm comfortable bed
9. A good sense of humor
10. Having someone cook for me

Sage said...

I love:
1. A really good cup of coffee.
2. A roaring fire on a chilly day.
3. Puppy kisses.
4. A warm cat in my lap.
5. A book that totally captures my attention.
6. A good hug.
7. The smell of balsam and cedar as I drive through wooded areas.
8. A warm comfortable bed.
9. A good sense of humor.
10. Having someone cook for me.