Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wait no more

After 20+ hours of labour CU-4 finally arrived with flurry and fanfair.

While I have several stories to write about, and debrief, document and mind dump, it seems that they're stuck in a place yet to be reached. It's not because of time, or interest, or the inability to sit for short period of time on hard surfaces. It's more related to the fact that I've been running around trying to get paperwork for the maternity leave addressed so that the money flow doesn't stop, and then there's the 40 hour visit to the local Children's hospital to address CU-4's on going jaundice issue, that may now be cleared up. (We're now waiting for UTI tests to come back, and schedule new blood tests and MD appointments for Monday.)

Can't say my life is ordinary now can I?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah but just think of the stories you will be able to tell the Grandkids.e