Monday, February 12, 2007

Slow to post, AKA are blogs dead?

I kept telling myself that life really wouldn't change after CU-4's arrival. On one hand I was right, while in the other hand I'm holding a dirty diaper wondering what I've been doing with my time.

For those few who actually read this blog, you'll probably be thinking the same thing. Well, between napping and living the life of Riley, I've well, been napping, and doing a lot of paperwork to get this maternity leave off the ground. I've also been making a couple of dozen papier maché hearts for CU-1 to distribute at school (filled only (read cheap-ed out) Hershey Hugs and Kisses, shuffling my To Do list pile of papers from one side of the house to the other, and folding one half of the house into the other (the later is because construction started in earnest with the front hall closet becoming a large, though very temporary laundry shoot while we await new basement stairs to be put in).

Once Valentine's Day is through, I'll have SO MUCH more free time! ;-) So I might actually find the time to write the stories for the blog to share with everyone. That was the idea behind getting up and out of the house (in minus 13 degree weather no less!) to meet up with Perpetual Chocoholic. The goal, as hammered out in a coffee-drunken stooper last Thursday night, was to get each of us out of our perspective ruts, and to provide mutual support to attend to our more creative pursuits. PC was to work on illustrations, me on writing and research to further more photographic pursuits.

Our first time out the door (and into the local Bridgehead) didn't see much drawing, or planning, but a lot of talking. Though not our original intent, I think we've both found it to be unblocking. PC helped me realize that I really really was trying to talk myself out of putting forward a proposal for solo show. She also helped me see I need to pull that camera out and pursue the visions in my head and get them out onto [photographic] paper.

However, through that two hours of exploration of all things, we started on a discussion about blogging and wondering if it was dying. (Or maybe this discussion was from last Thursday.) In the back of my head, I was wondering if blogs and blogging had seen it's day. I've heard (before maternity leave when I was plugged in to the world much more) that there was newer, better technology that was being pursued. Not really being a definitive techy, and finding that I'm less and less interested in technology as each year passes, I kind of don't care about the changes and am quite satisified with this medium.

We'd discussed how some of the people she'd followed regularly were closing out their blogs. We mused about the life span of our own blogs and whether the time had come to put them to bed. I'm thinking no, this one still serves a purpose. I just need to get off my arse and start writing, as I find that writing keeps me sharper then just having these conversations in my head. They can be pretty one sided. So, during the next 49 weeks of forced time off, I'm hoping to write more, self-publish to here more. Read other blogs more. And respond more. Like PC points out in her studies of illustration, it's an exercise, and some times you have to force yourself to keep going.

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