Monday, April 03, 2006

There is something in the water

It's CU-3, and CAT-3 wants some of what he's got.

In the last year we've fostered a few overaged kitten wannabes. She's the latest and greatest. Purrnella does tricks and has us all trained. One of the very special things is that she likes the freshest of water.

When we go by the bathroom, Purr is usually there waiting for some one to put the tap on for a trickle. She's got us humans trained really well as I frequently walk into the water closet to find the tap providing a steady stream and no one around to blame.

Well, tonight everyone was doing his or her own thing and not giving her a nevermind. She decided that she'd better take matters into her own paws and gingerly mounted the side of the tub, balanced, and extended her neck and head towards CUs tub water.

"Maman Purr a bu mon l'eau!"

Oh Purr, better be careful 'cause it's not bathtub gin!