Monday, April 10, 2006

Adventures in parenting

CU-3. With her around, one would do best to eat one's Wheaties.

She's started to address her father by his first name. She's taught herself how to get out of her bed. She's also taught herself how to exit the front door. And let's not forget that she knows how to use a chair, stool, pile books, boots, lids, coats, back packs and anything else she needs to get to where she needs to be.

Tonight she went to the library, selected her reading materials, and took out her borrowers card ... all by herself.

For a treat, we stopped in at the park on the way home. She decided she didn't have enough fun (following one of my house rules "don't come home until you've had enought fun") and decided to give her papa a hard time. This lead to her deciding to run away from home (to the porch of the home across from the park). Her papa deciding to see what she'd do, walk to the end of the block and hid behind the tree. CU-3 saw her chance and headed back for the park. Oh, we're going to have a harder time in about 12 years ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my, my. Sounds like Missy has a mind of her own, sort of like her papa.