Sunday, February 01, 2009


The Huz reports that there are several distinct stages of putting Child Unit 4 to bed.

Stage 1: Denial
Includes massive bouts of denial, both verbal, and physical, including acts of wiggling and wriggling which, perhaps only a sumo wrestler could match.

Stage 2: Playing Possum
Includes closing his eyes, biding his time, waiting ... waiting for YOU to make the first move, usually out of bed.

Stage 3: Second wind
Includes crying to get you back for more attention, and attempts to break the sleep hold, but as a result of low coordination because he is tired, results are awkward and ends in a tightened grip of covers wrapped around him.

Stage 4: Submission
Includes marks of statue eyes (eyes rolling back into his head), and deeper breathing patterns, though, occasionally can be confused with Stage 2. Any attempts to leave at this stage results in Parental Whiplash, crying and throwing of covers.

Stage 5: Success
This stage is marked by regular deep breathing patterns and parental freedom. Any attempts to leave at this stage are successful.


Nat said...

I keep hoping it'll get easier. I suppose when it does I'll miss it eh?

Josie said...

I feel for you but don't mis those days.
Both kidlets drop like stones when it comes time for bed.