Saturday, June 07, 2008

Table for nine please

As I type this, my kitchen is running amok with 9 pre-pubescent girls who are going to be here for another 20 hours. Yes. It's a 24-hour birthday marathon for CU-2. CUs 1, 3 and 4, and The Huz have been banished to the Northern regions until such time as the coast is clear.

Four hours down. So far so good.

7:30 and it's party games, gossip and hot

It's freaking hot. About 27 outside. A bit warmer in the house as it retains it's heat. I have no idea how these girls are going to sleep tonight, or maybe that's the point ... they just don't.

I'm working on having a headache - probably stress related - as I'm worried about the party and the next hours to go well. Parties were never my forté. I only had the one friends party as a kid and the memory of that one still makes me cringe (I invited several boys and only one showed up. The girls teased him so much he went home early. He'd been my best friend and of every one there I wanted his company the most.)

To this day my parties don't often turn out well. Well, at least not like the rocking parties I hear about or occasionally attend.

This one is going well so far and CU-2 is happy. She's received a pride of Webkinz. If I can hold her off from entering them all, she can have a long, happy playing life well into 2015.

1 comment:

Josie said...

Hope everything went well!! Sounds like a lot of fun - for them:)

And I hear ya on the heat....