Thursday, June 12, 2008

Boo versus Yah

Alison over at Party of three is having a cheerfest of the good and the bad. She's asked for an update on her reader's status. Seeing that that pile of laundry hasn't shifted from my kitchen table in about four days (it's a bit like the magic pile that never goes down, but the colors have changed), and I've been burning candles towards the middle, and like every year, I keep forgetting about the end of the school year, I'm posting my response.

There's WestFest AND Le Frano both going on. Yay.

I don't know if I'll attend either. Boo.


I got my lawn mowed and the garden tended a bit (yes, bylaw doesn't have to come by and site me!) Yay.


My eldest daughter told me about a sleep over she's having a school tomorrow and has asked that I make cookies, from scratch. Yay for her.


I didn't know about the sleep over because she transfers to her other home tomorrow - aka the cone of silence. Boo.


This last week has been a rough one. My FIL and MIL both have been hospitalized. MIL the great has been out for a couple of weeks in traction with a broken femur. FIL gave us a good scare when his health went down very very quickly. The Huz and I were worried that we were on a death watch. The details were frightening (and involved some pretty serious tests). All boo.

The Huz talked to MIL the great tonight. She's going to still be in the hospital for another six weeks. Double-boo for boredom.

FIL? He's being sent home tomorrow. Hoo-ray for fast recovery, with no foreseeable damage to his internal organs. Yay.


I have Monday off. Yay.

I have to spend the day running back and forth between the kid's school collecting bedding and food and eventually our summer boarder - aka Bingo/Bibi the rabbit. (Last year we had birds. I won't do birds again thank you).

I'll also be doing an installation of some of my photography at a local coffee shop. Yah.

So, for the most part - it's a pretty good dose of yays, if I can just stay awake long enough to enjoy it all!


alison said...

hey, thanks for playing. Sorry to hear about your MIL and FIL, but glad they're on the mend.

Is having a bunny all summer a yay or a boo?

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

You make me tired just reading this! Poor MIL! That sucks! Glad to hear FIL is better. Will switch the prayers around.

Josie said...

How you keep all the balls in the air boggles my mind.

Sorry to hear about MIL and FIL but happy they are on the mend.

Last time we had a bunny (school pet) WB killed it. No joke.