Tuesday, June 17, 2008


If you follow Miss Vicky's blog, you'll know where I've been running around to for the last couple of weeks. There's a lot going on in my community and, for the most part, I love it. The downside is that laundry and the cat-hair dust rhinos just don't get attended to.

Last week I was on course for the entire week. Lucky me. In many ways. I have a great employer who sees value in education and is open to trying some new things after some one has consumed the kool-aid of the day. Last weeks was all about facilitation. It took five days of discussing what markers to use, how to rip paper, and how to lead people through a chat about how to do things!

I'm being flippant about the subject. It really was an exceptional course. For people who don't feel comfortable leading a group in discussion, TAKE THIS COURSE. For people who need to try to direct a group of people to come to consensus

(sometimes its like herding cats), TAKE THIS COURSE.

It was good. Actually, great, as courses go. With applicable processes! (I spent the better part of today trying to figure out how to integrate parts of the techniques into how I do my job currently. The first test comes Thursday when I get to take a group of people through a review of work that's already been done on their project and conduct a gap analysis.) Thrilling stuff by the sounds of it eh? Well, for me it is.

Downside? I'm taking Friday off.

Schools out for summer!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hey, saw your comment on Jen's blog asking about our shower. Happy to take pics, send me an email so I can send them. I'm jenburtsmith at btinternet dot com.

In answer to other questions, we already had the base with tiles on the walls, basically our shower was leaking and when the plumber took a look, he realised the builders that built our house hadn't created such a small space for the shower stall, they couldn't fit the proper wall backing down the sides and then slide the shower base in, so they had stopped the walls just below the top of the bottom tile and the water was going through there.

So he recommended these acrylic sheets, cut them to order, slid them down the side and used really powerful grout to ensure no more leaks. That was two years ago and he was exactly right. We like the look so much, we would definitely go that way for a shower in the future. He had a sheet of around 30 different colours and textures to choose from, we could even have had it looking like it was tiles, but we liked smooth. Email me and I will happily email pics.