Sunday, January 13, 2008

How does he pick 'em?

Ok, Jonathan over at BlogFriday really did a number on me this time with a world like incongruous. I thought I knew the definition, but it still sent me to the dictionary to confirm my understanding.

That activity reminded me of a former manager. To say that we were incongruous would be polite. There were times when we butt heads over me trying to understand what he was saying (and yes, he spoke English), that I would bring a dictionary to meetings with us. As impolite as that sounds, I wanted to make sure that the words he was using had the same meaning as to how he was using them. (He liked to use $25 words that he didn't understand which made it near impossible to successfully complete an assigned task.)

Anyway, I digress just a bit, as I think I'm fulfilling the need to use this word in a blog post, which reminds me of the story that sent me to write the blog in the first place.

My older siblings (who are closer then age then I am to them), when they reach high school together, found that high school wasn't academically exciting enough for them, so they began a challenge. Their challenge was that they would pick an obscure word out of the dictionary and would have to use the word in what every assignments they had to write for the week. I think it was an ingenious plan to make an otherwise dull paper on Waiting for Godot more interesting, even if it was just for an inside joke.


Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Okay, I confess, I looked up "incongruous" just to make sure I've been using it correctly. It drives me crazy when people 1) use words incorrectly and 2) mix up two words that sound similar.

Example for #1: A former boss of mine would use "peckish" for when he was feeling grumpy. (But "peevish" would have been fine. "Peckish" means getting hungry.)

Example for #2: I once heard someone use "pancrea" (not a word) when he meant "panacea."

Good grief, I sound like a grammar teacher.

LaVeda H. Mason said...

I don't know how he picks 'em, either!! That's pretty cool, what your siblings did. And, I guess that your post does fit the definition of the word, lol!!

Mrs. G. said...

I am a word freak. I think I'm signed up for every daily word-a-day site known to man.