Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Summer time and the lawlessness abounds

At this end of the country I'm having several WTF moments.

Working backwards:

WTF #1:
Canada Post has issued me a delivery notice to pick up my parcel tomorrow at their local drop-off site. Funny that. I was home, sitting at my kitchen table as I watched the delivery truck roll down the street. Did it matter that we've installed a door bell that plays the theme song to the Magnificent Seven? (my DH's choice), or that the door was wide open? or that the driver also left another parcel for CU-2? I guess not. Calling Customer Service didn't help much.

WTF #2:
Just coming back from picking up a few groceries, I see a black van with special *twinkly* lights. I recognized the van, and the burly guys all dressed in black emptying out of it as I'd witnessed something similar in one of my old 'hoods while taking a much younger version of Cu-1 and 2 to the park. These special cops, along with the regularly uniformed ones, plus the special canine unit were walking around the block where my home is located. The regular copy said I'd nothing to worry about and that nothing was going on. While taking down the laundry a few minutes later, the canine unit had asked if I'd seen some one scurrying across the back yard, possibly a la Ferris Buller. Nope. Only a squirrel with extremely large nads.

WTF #3:
Was out at a piece of outdoor culture yesterday, enjoying myself at the community park, when in came a couple with a large dog. When they were told it was a no dog park, they moved approximately 1 metre to the North of where the whole family was sitting. Upon giving my husband the dirty look, he handed me his cell phone so that I could call by-law. The couple had sited that they just moved to the neighborhood and didn't realize it was a no-dog park. Um. There are signs at all entrances ... Their leaving the park didn't give me cause to disconnect the call as there was another dog, (white lab?) tied to the tree. No water, no attention given to it. No indication who the owner was. After 40 minutes, the by-law officers showed up. The owners and their CUs disengaged themselves from the free entertainment we were enjoying, to confront the officers. Perhaps they learned, the hard way, that it is a no dog park with a $120 fine.

WTF #4:
Not ten minues after the family and their pooch left the park that a lady and her two Westies came in. She preceded to tell me that she didn't know this was a no dog park (even though I warned her about the fine that I just witnessed) and that she regularly brings her dogs there in the evening, particularly in winter, when no one was there. When I pushed to say that the fine is $120, and that they're doing construction all around the park so that there will be more eyes on the park, she said she'd be willing to chance the fine. Ok. So noted.

WTF #5:
Mexican stand-off with another chick-maiden about her dogs. She's shown the "screw you" attititude as she's been coming back to the park the same time every day now for several days. I'll just keep calling by-law until this matter is resolved, unless I happen to be able to identify her abodal address, then they can take the complaint, and the fine to her directly. (Doesn't help her case much that I've got pictures of the first infraction of her dog taking a crap in the park, and that the last time her dog came up and sniffed and licked me. No one does that uninvited.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hum, that's must be what "Dog Days of Summer" means. Keep taking pictures, then present them to the by law officer. That should impress him, especially if you can get the dog and the owner together.