Wednesday, November 29, 2006

A sad day in Muddville

For any of you who read regularly, or have regular contact with my household, you'll know that the really great streaks of luck never last too too long. Thus, when this last one started, oh about six weeks ago, I found it very exciting, but also was left wondering when the pail of water would hit the fan and spray everything.

Well, today was that day.

It all started off early. CU-1 hadn't done his work in class, so it was sent home. We worked a bit on it last night, but he clearly needed to apply himself more. Sooo, at six this morning, I woke up with a rubber snake in my face, and started the day trying to coax out answers about primary numbers and which had multiple dividers.

Surviving that, and getting ready for work in seven minutes, and to work only 35 minutes late (and having stand on the bus because people are inconsiderate here, especially during the morning rush hour), I get in only to get a call from DH that CU-1s back pack's been stollen from the school grounds.

Apparently he'd left it at the door he regularly lines up for at school, and accompanied CU-3 to her day care. Upon his return, it was gone.

So, I cancelled my morning meeting, called my boss saying I had to go, and headed back towards home.

CU-1 was stirred, though not too terribly shaken (more upset that he lost his J'aime lire (including the new one) then loosing his lunch, home work, or text books). I talked to his support teacher and explained the situation, and tried to get the ball to replace stuff. (By the end of the day, it doesn't look like anything happened. We all have to wait for his grade teacher to get better and return to the classroom).

So I drop by home, pick-up a replacement back pack, lunch bag, and snack for after school to give him a sense of normalcy, call the bank to cancel the cheque that was in his agenda for his previously lost text book, and headed out the door.

At work, I rescheduled the missed meeting, attended a webinar, and then tried to concentrate on overdue workflow diagrams for another project when I get THE CALL.

It was DH saying that CMHC denied our request to extend our mortage to cover the addition we've been working towards for the last two months. A roller coaster of emotions tries to rush through me. I'm too ... numb? at this point. It's been a rough weekend/week (CU-1 had his winter hat stollen, DH lost his glasses, CU-2's Brownie pins went missing, CU-3s feet grew so now we have to get her new shoes).

Last call into DH earlier this evening, before he headed into his next-to-last class is that all may not be lost. Apparently the appraiser didn't inlcude some paperwork with our request for assessment. The mortgage broker is resubmitting to see if it makes a difference.

What's kind of funny about this all is that every time I see a bus going the opposite way that I'm going, I get an urge to get on board. :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Man, this is the "pits"for you guys. Actually I have a stronger comment in mind, but this is a family type blog, and even though I'm family,I'll keep it clean. Who knows who might check this out. Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the house. Poor CU-1 it has been a bad week for him also. Well one, well two bright spots are that CU-2 and 3 made out alright.