Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Sally Field moment

They like me! They really like me!

About an hour after coming back from the cottage, surveying the damage of not tending to the garden now for about two weeks (between the nausea of stooping, big rain storms, and just general blahs), a familiar looking fellow redish brown hair, full beard, slight pot belly and black shorts came up to me. For a minute, I thought my DH had changed into something a lot more casual. It turns out that it was our super shy neighbor from across the street who came over to say that liked my unusal garden. Well, if truth be told, that made my day. (And sent me back in to override the blahs to pull 30 minutes work of quack grass.)

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I absolutely love your garden too and am having withdrawl having missed seeing it last week, all my own falt of course!