Saturday, March 18, 2006

Corned beef hash

I word. Eww.

Going back to my childhood days, I still feel a rush whenever I see the Bull's head from the Chilian version of the canned product.

My DH on the otherhand has much happier memories. His mom ran a deli for a number of years and this activity seems to have shaped his life in a profound and meaningful way that I have yet to comprehend. Many, many stories from the kitchen start with "when my Mom ran the deli" and his eyes glaze over while he's taken back in time ...

So DH's having a smack-his-lips fest this weekend as he's brought home not just one, but TWO corned beef briskets. He's been calling up extended family, and now is moving on into the neighborhood to see if he can find some one else to sit with him and keep him company. I've volunteered CU-3, whom I have affectionally nick-named "the goat" (that's for another day, another entry). We'll see if she's up for it.

For any other volunteers, show up at 18h Sunday night.


Anonymous said...

Ah you just gotta try it, the corned beef. Boil it up with cabbage, potatoes, carrots, and turnips and you have an Irish Boild Supper. Scrumpsish. Although it might be an aquired taste, sort of like Steak and Kidney pie.

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Yes, and I'll bring the hagus!