Our number is regularly mistaken for a pool product provider, pizza parlor, fooze ball equipment issuer, and computer store. On occasion, DH and I have been known to get creative and have some fun with our responses to the miss-dialer's inquiries.
For example, yesterday I got a call from some one who wanted to order two pizzas. My response?
"I'd like to help you, but I only make pizzas on Fridays."
Puzzled "Oh" and a l-o-n-g pause.
"Ah, do I have the wrong number?"
"Yes. Yes you do."
DH fielded a called about pool skimmers:
"Do you have that wand-thing that cleans pools?"
"No. No I don't. I don't even have a pool."
These are not necessarily the most creative responses - they do give us a laugh, in one of those you-had-to-be-there moments.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
And yet another reason to post today
Beginnings and endings. Starts and stops. Don't get me started. Start your engines. Start button. Start spreading the news ...
Exploration of a single word can cause profound results. In this case, it's another social networking, blogging exercise in support of writers - to get them going on something - this something is a word. The word for this week is START.
* * * * *
A few months back, when I was working on a project with a PM, I was told "Words don't matter". Every once in a while I trot out this gem to tease him with his own words. The irony is that words do matter.
The child hood rhyme:
Sticks and stones will break my bones
But names will never hurt me.
is so completely and utterly WRONG.
Verbal abuse is insidious and vicious. While leaving no visible marks, it can cut a person's psyche. I witnessed the children's version while watching the first few minutes of CU-2's dance class role out. A kid was being teased about his name, which ordinarily enough, like Bob, has a longer version as he put it. He liked the short version and didn't want to be known by the more formal. The kids picked on him by refusing to accept his preference, and even tried to involve the teacher in on their play. And so it starts.
Exploration of a single word can cause profound results. In this case, it's another social networking, blogging exercise in support of writers - to get them going on something - this something is a word. The word for this week is START.
* * * * *
A few months back, when I was working on a project with a PM, I was told "Words don't matter". Every once in a while I trot out this gem to tease him with his own words. The irony is that words do matter.
The child hood rhyme:
Sticks and stones will break my bones
But names will never hurt me.
is so completely and utterly WRONG.
Verbal abuse is insidious and vicious. While leaving no visible marks, it can cut a person's psyche. I witnessed the children's version while watching the first few minutes of CU-2's dance class role out. A kid was being teased about his name, which ordinarily enough, like Bob, has a longer version as he put it. He liked the short version and didn't want to be known by the more formal. The kids picked on him by refusing to accept his preference, and even tried to involve the teacher in on their play. And so it starts.
Last week I dashed off a very short (under the 250 word limit) story for NetChick's 10th anniversary blogging. The low turn-out of entries meant that I actually made the final 20 cut.
She's put out a call to vote for the most popular. I'm number 12. (It's bad, and I don't think I'd win. Hell, I wouldn't even vote for me, liking other's stories much much more.) It was done on a lark though. So there.
She's put out a call to vote for the most popular. I'm number 12. (It's bad, and I don't think I'd win. Hell, I wouldn't even vote for me, liking other's stories much much more.) It was done on a lark though. So there.
Monday, September 24, 2007
What goes up just goes higher
Having four CUs means home work. CU-1 and CU-2 have theirs. CU-3 doesn't have any, but has made it her duty to disrupt CU-1 and 2 from doing theirs. CU-4 is into every one's business. That's his home work. Makes for an interesting couple of hours as I try to peel kids off of one another and lift and separate so that something gets done. Sigh. (All this ordinary stuff going on while the 'fridge was warming up the leftovers, and the stove lost power.)
Alas, that amusement was precluded by an outside spectacle.
Tonight was especially taxing because we had extracurricular entertainment. A neighbor from the other block came around to visit. While standing at the curb, we watched a train of cars line up the street for a bidding party. (Seven. SEVEN bidders lined up to buy a small three-bedroom home.) We talked with one of the bidders who lost out on other homes in the area already. They'd bidded 10 k more then the asking price. They lost out. They were 32 k SHORT of the final bid. (The house went for 42.5 k more then the asking price, and there were problems with it!) This is just insane. Especially in our neighborhood. So far houses go up, have one open house and are sold within 24 hours. Scary. And the fun will begin yet again next week. The flipper down the street will be putting his up for sale, and it will probably go fast too. We'll see if the they top the former record set this summer for our block 70k above their asking price in a bidding war (10 people involved).
Alas, that amusement was precluded by an outside spectacle.
Tonight was especially taxing because we had extracurricular entertainment. A neighbor from the other block came around to visit. While standing at the curb, we watched a train of cars line up the street for a bidding party. (Seven. SEVEN bidders lined up to buy a small three-bedroom home.) We talked with one of the bidders who lost out on other homes in the area already. They'd bidded 10 k more then the asking price. They lost out. They were 32 k SHORT of the final bid. (The house went for 42.5 k more then the asking price, and there were problems with it!) This is just insane. Especially in our neighborhood. So far houses go up, have one open house and are sold within 24 hours. Scary. And the fun will begin yet again next week. The flipper down the street will be putting his up for sale, and it will probably go fast too. We'll see if the they top the former record set this summer for our block 70k above their asking price in a bidding war (10 people involved).
Sunday, September 23, 2007
The end
So, it came and went.
A one hour visit, just like one big happy family. (Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth.)
Almost on the dot, it started.
They sneaked by the century standing on guard by parking around the corner. Didn't want to be too conspicuous did they?
The doorbell bonged while I was sneaking the coffee pot to the front room so that CU-1 could more easily serve his guests.
I said a quick hello to the floor as they walked in, and quickly moved to the other door so that I could let CU do what he needed to do.
Apparently DH walked right into the fray and got invited to coffee. Apparently he didn't hear me announce that the posse had arrived.
I went back to my work in the yard, an equally laborious task trying to turn over sun-hardened mud. (I'm turning that part of the yard back to grass ... until I can think of something else to do with it.)
After about 15 minutes of work, ease dropping on them using the room monitor feature that our phone has (the phone had been set up to monitor CU-4 while he slept), I went in to show my face.
It was awkward. Here I am in my own house, and I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. CU-2 warmed up to the occasion, which reduced my discomfort. CU-3 was all over my DXH, which was just weird, considering how starchy he appeared. DXH's partner, (I'll have to come up with a name for him as he might start becoming a regular here ... hmmmm DXH part 2?), with dogglet force field fully engaged (dog on lap pose) was having a chat with CU-1 and DH. Weird. All very weird.
DXH part 2 was carrying most of the conversations. Sometimes it's good to be a seriously gay man, it seems to come with an amazing ability that covers awkward social situations. This one really was one of those times when DXH part 2's talents just shone through.
So on this went for a good 30 minutes. I prompted CU-1 to give a house tour to the DXHs, which, in satisfying their curiosity, perhaps they'd get the feeling they could then move on to something else.
CU-2 had warmed up enough to show off her room. CU-1 did his as well. DXH part 2 remarked how much the color choices the CUs made were so much like that in their own home. Well duh. The children want consistency ... He was also surprised that I let the children pick out their own room color. Well, #1. it's only paint. #2. It's their room. #3. I don't have to look at it. So there. But, I didn't say anything sarcastic. Just said that CU-3 will soon be making her own choice too. DXH part 2 feigned surprise.
Almost at the one hour mark, they finally left. DXH part 2's parting shot was to suggest that maybe we should get together on a monthly basis (all eight of us) for brunch. Ah yah right. This from the couple who just mere weeks ago continued to verbally and emotionally abuse me and the children. Ah yah, sure.
No no boys. I said yes to CU-1's request because:
#1. This IS his home too, and he is allowed to invite his friends home and have them feel welcome.
#2. I've spent the last f-o-u-r y-e-a-r-s waving the forking laurel wreath around. What does that say to you? That suddenly, because you suggested CU-1 has extended an invitation, that you're a hero and being a big person for accepting an invitation that's been extended to you over and over and over again.
#3. I'm hoping that you all come to your senses and not just ignore the hard won arbitration "agreement", that you recognize your hard-ass tactics with the children just were not getting you anywhere and that we're coming up to the very very important teen years when lots of emotions and coming-of-age shit gets mixed up and that their lives better have settled, safe havens to land or you are playing a crap shoot with them deciding to make permanent decisions about where they live and how often they see you.
#4. C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y. Children thrive with consistency in their lives, though it doesn't preclude spontaneity. When you have a child who has difficulties, and has diagnosis's that suggest consistency in all aspects of that child's life might reduce the bumps, well ******, what do you think that might mean? (Oh wait a minute, that's right, perhaps this question is to hard to ask the guy who rewrote the definition of monogamy.)
So, for the benefit of OUR kids. I'll kiss your ass, or, really, make that DXH part 2's hairy back side, as he's the one wearing the skirts in your household, in order to make this work for OUR kids. As of right now, I just don't think I'm open to brunch. I think my dance card is full. I have to wash my hair. I have to vacuum the cat. My mustache needs trimming. There's the litter pan to clean. I have to re-grout the tub. And, of course, there's that much needed root canal.
But, thanks for coming.
A one hour visit, just like one big happy family. (Excuse me while I throw up in my mouth.)
Almost on the dot, it started.
They sneaked by the century standing on guard by parking around the corner. Didn't want to be too conspicuous did they?
The doorbell bonged while I was sneaking the coffee pot to the front room so that CU-1 could more easily serve his guests.
I said a quick hello to the floor as they walked in, and quickly moved to the other door so that I could let CU do what he needed to do.
Apparently DH walked right into the fray and got invited to coffee. Apparently he didn't hear me announce that the posse had arrived.
I went back to my work in the yard, an equally laborious task trying to turn over sun-hardened mud. (I'm turning that part of the yard back to grass ... until I can think of something else to do with it.)
After about 15 minutes of work, ease dropping on them using the room monitor feature that our phone has (the phone had been set up to monitor CU-4 while he slept), I went in to show my face.
It was awkward. Here I am in my own house, and I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. CU-2 warmed up to the occasion, which reduced my discomfort. CU-3 was all over my DXH, which was just weird, considering how starchy he appeared. DXH's partner, (I'll have to come up with a name for him as he might start becoming a regular here ... hmmmm DXH part 2?), with dogglet force field fully engaged (dog on lap pose) was having a chat with CU-1 and DH. Weird. All very weird.
DXH part 2 was carrying most of the conversations. Sometimes it's good to be a seriously gay man, it seems to come with an amazing ability that covers awkward social situations. This one really was one of those times when DXH part 2's talents just shone through.
So on this went for a good 30 minutes. I prompted CU-1 to give a house tour to the DXHs, which, in satisfying their curiosity, perhaps they'd get the feeling they could then move on to something else.
CU-2 had warmed up enough to show off her room. CU-1 did his as well. DXH part 2 remarked how much the color choices the CUs made were so much like that in their own home. Well duh. The children want consistency ... He was also surprised that I let the children pick out their own room color. Well, #1. it's only paint. #2. It's their room. #3. I don't have to look at it. So there. But, I didn't say anything sarcastic. Just said that CU-3 will soon be making her own choice too. DXH part 2 feigned surprise.
Almost at the one hour mark, they finally left. DXH part 2's parting shot was to suggest that maybe we should get together on a monthly basis (all eight of us) for brunch. Ah yah right. This from the couple who just mere weeks ago continued to verbally and emotionally abuse me and the children. Ah yah, sure.
No no boys. I said yes to CU-1's request because:
#1. This IS his home too, and he is allowed to invite his friends home and have them feel welcome.
#2. I've spent the last f-o-u-r y-e-a-r-s waving the forking laurel wreath around. What does that say to you? That suddenly, because you suggested CU-1 has extended an invitation, that you're a hero and being a big person for accepting an invitation that's been extended to you over and over and over again.
#3. I'm hoping that you all come to your senses and not just ignore the hard won arbitration "agreement", that you recognize your hard-ass tactics with the children just were not getting you anywhere and that we're coming up to the very very important teen years when lots of emotions and coming-of-age shit gets mixed up and that their lives better have settled, safe havens to land or you are playing a crap shoot with them deciding to make permanent decisions about where they live and how often they see you.
#4. C-O-N-S-I-S-T-E-N-C-Y. Children thrive with consistency in their lives, though it doesn't preclude spontaneity. When you have a child who has difficulties, and has diagnosis's that suggest consistency in all aspects of that child's life might reduce the bumps, well ******, what do you think that might mean? (Oh wait a minute, that's right, perhaps this question is to hard to ask the guy who rewrote the definition of monogamy.)
So, for the benefit of OUR kids. I'll kiss your ass, or, really, make that DXH part 2's hairy back side, as he's the one wearing the skirts in your household, in order to make this work for OUR kids. As of right now, I just don't think I'm open to brunch. I think my dance card is full. I have to wash my hair. I have to vacuum the cat. My mustache needs trimming. There's the litter pan to clean. I have to re-grout the tub. And, of course, there's that much needed root canal.
But, thanks for coming.
So it's D-day. As I write this, we are within throwing distance of the bewitching hour to when DXH and his posse arrive. I've given up trying to tidy up the front room for the third time this morning. It's got a nice, rumbled, lived in look, well, because, we live here.
CU-2 and I have been batting around options for her not to be readily available to this event - crafts, a must-run errand, a trip to the park. She thinks CU-1 is out to lunch and that the whole thing is just too weird.
We took Grandma C's advice to close off doors so that CU-1 could invite his father to see his room, while giving everyone else privacy.
I feel foolishly buoyant about the event. Lack of sleep? Nerves? (Nah - I usually feel like throwing up.) Maybe something good will come of this. Here's hoping.
CU-2 and I have been batting around options for her not to be readily available to this event - crafts, a must-run errand, a trip to the park. She thinks CU-1 is out to lunch and that the whole thing is just too weird.
We took Grandma C's advice to close off doors so that CU-1 could invite his father to see his room, while giving everyone else privacy.
I feel foolishly buoyant about the event. Lack of sleep? Nerves? (Nah - I usually feel like throwing up.) Maybe something good will come of this. Here's hoping.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Bad to say that a blog entry has to start with that. But this is different. It's a good survival. We survived pizza night with CU-1 and 2 successfully inviting a friend over each for dinner. We even got an extra cling-on that CU-1's invitee knew and thus a mutual friend of the two.
The highlight of the evening was CU-2 coming in to tell me that a neighbor two houses down came out and asked my children to be quiet because she was trying to watch TV. HA! I've lived on this block for four years and have yearned for the sound of children screaming with glee and pleasure. Apparently she prefers a more adult street.
Who knows if she's going to get to see that soon. We've had a LOT of homes up and down for sale within hours of an open house taking place. The latest that's up is next to the day care. They're having an open house on Sunday. I figure DH and I will take in the place after the adventures with DXH and assemblage.
On that note, I'm still not sure how things are going to shake out. A quick touch-base with CU-2 is an interesting barometer of the situation. Being way to old in character then the tender * years on the planet, she said she didn't know why we were doing it when we don't like one another.
My response was that it's because we love them so much that we do those kinds of things.
I also gaged her receptiveness to showing her room, if a tour of the house is an option. She said she wanted her door closed. Her choice.
The highlight of the evening was CU-2 coming in to tell me that a neighbor two houses down came out and asked my children to be quiet because she was trying to watch TV. HA! I've lived on this block for four years and have yearned for the sound of children screaming with glee and pleasure. Apparently she prefers a more adult street.
Who knows if she's going to get to see that soon. We've had a LOT of homes up and down for sale within hours of an open house taking place. The latest that's up is next to the day care. They're having an open house on Sunday. I figure DH and I will take in the place after the adventures with DXH and assemblage.
On that note, I'm still not sure how things are going to shake out. A quick touch-base with CU-2 is an interesting barometer of the situation. Being way to old in character then the tender * years on the planet, she said she didn't know why we were doing it when we don't like one another.
My response was that it's because we love them so much that we do those kinds of things.
I also gaged her receptiveness to showing her room, if a tour of the house is an option. She said she wanted her door closed. Her choice.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A two fold problem
DH and I are going through a bumpy batch. A lot of turbulence. It's pretty rough. Like really cheap toilet paper.
You could suggest that my suggestion to build a porch is at the heart of the problem. I don't think it is.
Currently we're waiting for news about refinancing to attend to the last costs associated with the reconstruction of the house. That news should be through either today or tomorrow.
Meanwhile, DH is panicking like only he knows how. (Actually I've done it too, just not about money.)
He's panicking that some how we're going to loose the house. This, I think, is his biggest fear. You see, we have to come up with about $10k more to pay off the contractor. Meanwhile, he'd like to merge all of our debts so that repayment is lower. Ok. Sounds reasonable. Right? Wrong. Not in his eyes. He's panicking that the financing will not be enough (even though the mortgage broker has said she could get enough money herself). So, there should be no issue.
Oh now. Yesterday night we had a slap-fest (where I reverted to calling him a RAT [oooohhhh big name calling there eh? What's next calling him Baby La La? Ouch that'll sting]) because he was sandbagging the conversation (we're one paycheck away from loosing the house [not true], we wouldn't survive if there was a lay off [I'm am contractually obligated to return to work for a year at the end of the maternity leave, and it's unlikely the Feds are so bloated right now that there will be layoffs. DH just got a personalized pen from work, and is fast tracked to get his performance review and retroactive raise in place). Hmmm. And on when the in-comprehensive blather. (Yes DH, if you dare read this - it was blather - as I exposed a realistic light on each of your concerns.) Not even a call to your mother, to try and get your fears settled there, soothed you.
Really, WTF is the problem with talking to people to get a free estimate on the costs associated with building a porch? FREE ESTIMATE. NO OBLIGATION. It's called educating yourself.
For the record, each time I've asked you about the freaking porch - I've started small - can we move the stairs to the entryway from the left side to the right side. Can we look at options and solutions available to us? What are all the options for this fiscal year?
You some how mis-hear this and start hearing full blown plans for the porch. Because of your willingness to talk about the porch (and then the subsequent five-year landscaping plan) I run with is. Tooo many times have I been sucked into this cycle.
Now - part two - my side of things, as I see it.
I'm at home .... all day ... almost every day. Work doesn't want me to come in right now. They've got nothing for me to do that I could do from home, that doesn't require face-to-face contact with external clients.
Cleaning, painting and laundry are not my favorite things. Playing with CU-4 is nice, though not so fulfilling for me as I didn't receive the full motherly gene - especially for this age.
I get to look at and use unfinished parts of the house every day, all day. I see every bruise, every wrinkle ALL THE TIME. When you get home, I get a stressed out guy. Gee, like I haven't been dealing with that for a good part of the day. I get a tired guy. Gee, it's not like I don't get to deal with tired people at all all day, every day. (And this is also on night of broken sleep five days a week, often more.)
There is so much I can't do. There is so much I could do. However, like you and the wall project, I want some one -- YOU -- to be there for me so that we can walk and talk our way through the problems.
I'm not a big spender. You should know that by now. I do want things to be moved to a place where I then could pick up the hammer and do something.
I am feeling a lot of things right now. Unfulfilled is probably the biggest thing.
So, unfulfilled meets your issues that you bring home from work, plus the house issues that still are not solidified, plus future financial issues. Doesn't help that I've actually lowered my guard to such an extent where I have come to rely on you as a partner.
It's a pretty sucky place for us to be right now.
End of blather.
You could suggest that my suggestion to build a porch is at the heart of the problem. I don't think it is.
Currently we're waiting for news about refinancing to attend to the last costs associated with the reconstruction of the house. That news should be through either today or tomorrow.
Meanwhile, DH is panicking like only he knows how. (Actually I've done it too, just not about money.)
He's panicking that some how we're going to loose the house. This, I think, is his biggest fear. You see, we have to come up with about $10k more to pay off the contractor. Meanwhile, he'd like to merge all of our debts so that repayment is lower. Ok. Sounds reasonable. Right? Wrong. Not in his eyes. He's panicking that the financing will not be enough (even though the mortgage broker has said she could get enough money herself). So, there should be no issue.
Oh now. Yesterday night we had a slap-fest (where I reverted to calling him a RAT [oooohhhh big name calling there eh? What's next calling him Baby La La? Ouch that'll sting]) because he was sandbagging the conversation (we're one paycheck away from loosing the house [not true], we wouldn't survive if there was a lay off [I'm am contractually obligated to return to work for a year at the end of the maternity leave, and it's unlikely the Feds are so bloated right now that there will be layoffs. DH just got a personalized pen from work, and is fast tracked to get his performance review and retroactive raise in place). Hmmm. And on when the in-comprehensive blather. (Yes DH, if you dare read this - it was blather - as I exposed a realistic light on each of your concerns.) Not even a call to your mother, to try and get your fears settled there, soothed you.
Really, WTF is the problem with talking to people to get a free estimate on the costs associated with building a porch? FREE ESTIMATE. NO OBLIGATION. It's called educating yourself.
For the record, each time I've asked you about the freaking porch - I've started small - can we move the stairs to the entryway from the left side to the right side. Can we look at options and solutions available to us? What are all the options for this fiscal year?
You some how mis-hear this and start hearing full blown plans for the porch. Because of your willingness to talk about the porch (and then the subsequent five-year landscaping plan) I run with is. Tooo many times have I been sucked into this cycle.
Now - part two - my side of things, as I see it.
I'm at home .... all day ... almost every day. Work doesn't want me to come in right now. They've got nothing for me to do that I could do from home, that doesn't require face-to-face contact with external clients.
Cleaning, painting and laundry are not my favorite things. Playing with CU-4 is nice, though not so fulfilling for me as I didn't receive the full motherly gene - especially for this age.
I get to look at and use unfinished parts of the house every day, all day. I see every bruise, every wrinkle ALL THE TIME. When you get home, I get a stressed out guy. Gee, like I haven't been dealing with that for a good part of the day. I get a tired guy. Gee, it's not like I don't get to deal with tired people at all all day, every day. (And this is also on night of broken sleep five days a week, often more.)
There is so much I can't do. There is so much I could do. However, like you and the wall project, I want some one -- YOU -- to be there for me so that we can walk and talk our way through the problems.
I'm not a big spender. You should know that by now. I do want things to be moved to a place where I then could pick up the hammer and do something.
I am feeling a lot of things right now. Unfulfilled is probably the biggest thing.
So, unfulfilled meets your issues that you bring home from work, plus the house issues that still are not solidified, plus future financial issues. Doesn't help that I've actually lowered my guard to such an extent where I have come to rely on you as a partner.
It's a pretty sucky place for us to be right now.
End of blather.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Vocabulary builder
Is has been reported that my dearest CU-3, my gentile CU-3, my baby has used the word CRAP.
DH was the one to report this too me. Allegedly CU-3 said she was hungry. When asked what she wanted for breakfast, she brightly chirps up "Crap! I wannnnnnt it."
Not sure that he was hearing correctly, DH has CU-3 to repeat. "I wannnnnnt crap."
Though it took DH a couple of more times to decipher what CU-3 really wanted (candy for breakfast), I am happy to report that CU-3 eventually did get fed and had a crap-free breakfast.
DH was the one to report this too me. Allegedly CU-3 said she was hungry. When asked what she wanted for breakfast, she brightly chirps up "Crap! I wannnnnnt it."
Not sure that he was hearing correctly, DH has CU-3 to repeat. "I wannnnnnt crap."
Though it took DH a couple of more times to decipher what CU-3 really wanted (candy for breakfast), I am happy to report that CU-3 eventually did get fed and had a crap-free breakfast.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Better then a soap opera
XDH responds:
see you then,
My response:
CU-2's interest in dance is general. We've talked about it for over a year. There is a studio near the SuperStore on Richmond which she could attend. However,if you choose to register her to the one closer to your home, could you please provide me with the details. We will make every effort to get her to her lessons.
Do you need additional information so that the children can attend their other extra curricular activities?
See you Sunday, September 23rd. I'm sure CU-1 is thrilled with your accepting the invitation. This could go a long way to bringing peace to both households.
* * * * *
What the $#%@ was I thinking? :D
Re: Kung Fu classes: CU-1 and Partner of DXH take private lessons 3 times a week - the benefit of regular attendance is built in. CU-1 gets more focused time on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays, the classes are designed for them, the test are schedule in accordance to their knowledge.
CU_2's interest for dance lesson is linked with her friend, if we were to enroll her she would want to be in the same class, so I would not choose the location, I was told that the studio is in the west end, less than 5 minutes away.
Thanks for the invitation, Doglette, Partner of DXH and I can make it Sunday after 13:00 - (sunday is the 23rd not the 22nd)
My response:
CU-2's interest in dance is general. We've talked about it for over a year. There is a studio near the SuperStore on Richmond which she could attend. However,if you choose to register her to the one closer to your home, could you please provide me with the details. We will make every effort to get her to her lessons.
Do you need additional information so that the children can attend their other extra curricular activities?
See you Sunday, September 23rd. I'm sure CU-1 is thrilled with your accepting the invitation. This could go a long way to bringing peace to both households.
* * * * *
What the $#%@ was I thinking? :D
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Playing chicken
DXH writes:
"CU-1 mentioned on several occasions that you agreed to invite us over to your house in order for the pets to meet and to sample some of your homemade treats (ice cream sandwiches, cake, and other goodies). Let us know if you still want us over and what time would be convenient for you.)"
I respond:
"I appreciate your willingness to come for a visit. CU-1 and I have talked about it many times. How about Sunday, September 22 at 1:00 p.m.? Please advise if you are able to make that date. I will work with CU-1 to prepare a treat for your visit."
"CU-1 mentioned on several occasions that you agreed to invite us over to your house in order for the pets to meet and to sample some of your homemade treats (ice cream sandwiches, cake, and other goodies). Let us know if you still want us over and what time would be convenient for you.)"
I respond:
"I appreciate your willingness to come for a visit. CU-1 and I have talked about it many times. How about Sunday, September 22 at 1:00 p.m.? Please advise if you are able to make that date. I will work with CU-1 to prepare a treat for your visit."
Humor in the every day
Lately I've not been blogging about humorous stuff. It seems that the day-to-day-to-day-to-day grind has really busted my chops. The constant hurling of insults, the scrapping and the flying of fur (and that's just between the cats!) has taken a tole.
Today is different though. I've been reading www.megfowler.com as part of my morning ritual (as well as FBorFW and Miss Vicky's Offhand Remarks) and love them all to pieces. They're funny, frequently insightful and take me other places then where I am. Which is a good thing as I usually obsess about stuff going on in my immediate hand-span area.
In this week's request to post from Meg, she asked to write a list of things that others talk way too much about. Though number one was an easy tree to shake (my DXH), I poled DH to see if there was anything else I was nattering on about that bothered him. (It turned out to be an interesting survey as apparently he doesn't pay close attention to what I say.)
So while pursuing other people's lists, I found a couple other links that got put on my quick task navigation bar. Congratulations to Raising the wrecking crew and This chick's life. More traffic to you! ;-)
Today is different though. I've been reading www.megfowler.com as part of my morning ritual (as well as FBorFW and Miss Vicky's Offhand Remarks) and love them all to pieces. They're funny, frequently insightful and take me other places then where I am. Which is a good thing as I usually obsess about stuff going on in my immediate hand-span area.
In this week's request to post from Meg, she asked to write a list of things that others talk way too much about. Though number one was an easy tree to shake (my DXH), I poled DH to see if there was anything else I was nattering on about that bothered him. (It turned out to be an interesting survey as apparently he doesn't pay close attention to what I say.)
So while pursuing other people's lists, I found a couple other links that got put on my quick task navigation bar. Congratulations to Raising the wrecking crew and This chick's life. More traffic to you! ;-)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Mixed nuts
In a fit of frustration, I yelled at two of my CUs "ARE YOU NUTS?"
When they didn't respond (and I realized I was yelling because of my own anxiety arising from managing the immediate surroundings [crossing the street]), I immediately toned down my voice and said "Yah you are. You (pointing to CU-2) are a peanut. You (pointing to CU-3) are a cashew."
Whew. Another parenting foible skim-coated.
* * * * *
During the quieter moments of this weekend (which were very few and very far between), I got to thinking about self-promotion. I had been moving some of my photographs around the house, trying to cover up some of the bald spots, when I got to thinking about the studio tour going on this weekend, and how it's a chance for artists to show their work in their studios. As a photographer, I don't have a studio where I create art. As a photographer, it's harder to find places that will show my work because most don't see photography as art. Thus the conundrum - how to self-promote?
So, here I was thinking what about a Kitchen Gallery? (That's where I currently have four mini-shows going on right now! I started pulling through the ideas - one Saturday a month - 2 to 4 p.m. having a vernisage, show the work?? Crazy. I think I'm a Buckeye.
When they didn't respond (and I realized I was yelling because of my own anxiety arising from managing the immediate surroundings [crossing the street]), I immediately toned down my voice and said "Yah you are. You (pointing to CU-2) are a peanut. You (pointing to CU-3) are a cashew."
Whew. Another parenting foible skim-coated.
* * * * *
During the quieter moments of this weekend (which were very few and very far between), I got to thinking about self-promotion. I had been moving some of my photographs around the house, trying to cover up some of the bald spots, when I got to thinking about the studio tour going on this weekend, and how it's a chance for artists to show their work in their studios. As a photographer, I don't have a studio where I create art. As a photographer, it's harder to find places that will show my work because most don't see photography as art. Thus the conundrum - how to self-promote?
So, here I was thinking what about a Kitchen Gallery? (That's where I currently have four mini-shows going on right now! I started pulling through the ideas - one Saturday a month - 2 to 4 p.m. having a vernisage, show the work?? Crazy. I think I'm a Buckeye.
Friday, September 07, 2007
MegFowler made me do it
MegFowler over at MegFoweler.com has come up with the idea of the Friday love list. Great idea.
Here's what I put up in response to her quest to share:
picking veggies in the garden
a really really good book that draws you through with velocity and force
snail mail mail
mailboxes on posts (country style)
overgrown or messy gardens
shoes that fit
going to bed and actually being able to sleep
garlic (I’m cooking with it right now!)
Pizza night
When Child Unit 3 says it’s a beautiful day
going to Giant Tiger just to look at stuff
trips to the library with everyone in tow
Here's what I put up in response to her quest to share:
picking veggies in the garden
a really really good book that draws you through with velocity and force
snail mail mail
mailboxes on posts (country style)
overgrown or messy gardens
shoes that fit
going to bed and actually being able to sleep
garlic (I’m cooking with it right now!)
Pizza night
When Child Unit 3 says it’s a beautiful day
going to Giant Tiger just to look at stuff
trips to the library with everyone in tow
It's Annie Lennox time again
Remember her?
Well, when I went to drop off CU-4 today, CU-1 was re-coiffed, as he'd mentioned yesterday. I wonder if he'll ever see the natural colour of his hair ... Oh well, it is only hair. (Oh, and, well, now, he looks MORE like CU-4, though CU-4 has more!)
Keep your head up -- Movin' on
Well, when I went to drop off CU-4 today, CU-1 was re-coiffed, as he'd mentioned yesterday. I wonder if he'll ever see the natural colour of his hair ... Oh well, it is only hair. (Oh, and, well, now, he looks MORE like CU-4, though CU-4 has more!)
Keep your head up -- Movin' on
Sweet Dreams (Are Made of These)
Annie Lennox
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something.
Hold your head up - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Hold your head up - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up.
Annie Lennox
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree?
I travel the world
And the seven seas
Everybody's looking for something.
Hold your head up - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up.
Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused.
Hold your head up - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up - Movin' on
Hold your head up - Movin' on - Keep your head up.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Breaking a confidence
Ok. Here goes. I'm breaking my CU-2's confidence in the biggest of ways. I need to record this in some way, and I need to throw this out to the universe (and all my critics) just to get it out of my head.
Last week, when CU-2 was home, she sidled up to me and asked me if she could talk to me. As she didn't really respond to my question about timing (right now, or later). So she led me to the "sacred space" aka the parent's bedroom where she started to unpack the baggage.
Out came her angst about her father and his partner. About her struggle with her feelings towards the rules and inhabitants of her other home. She commented that she loved her father dearly. She didn't like that she was told to stay in her room until they were ready for her to come out. That she couldn't play freely with her neighborhood friend or use the computer as liberally as she has there. And then there's the subject of his partner's car, window control and breath. (If I'm going to break confidence, in for a penny, in for a pound.)
I listened carefully, not offering comment (I think I bit my tongue more then once), except to ask her how she felt about something, or what she thought would be a better solution.
I offered to roll-play with her. I suggested that if she couldn't talk to her father without tearing up (or breaking down as she had done with me), that she could write out her thoughts and read it to him. (With that suggestion, she got a panic-stricken look on her face for fear that her father's partner would see [and eventually hear] what she had to say.)
We got to a point where she had enough talking. She felt comfortable with my suggestions that she talk to her father, asking for his attention alone - by going for a walk, a drive in the car, or, as she'd done with me, finding a quiet place to talk, so that she had his attention.
I encouraged her to think about what she wanted to say, and find an appropriate time to talk - not when he's busy with any one else, or by anything else.
* * *
I saw her a couple of times this week. Twice before DXH's partner came to pick up the children. (DXH was out of town this week ...) Each time I saw her, she started by saying "I didn't talk to him yet." No "Bonjour Maman!" She's very very preoccupied by the weight of her need to discuss things with her father.
Today I mentioned that, as he was supposed to be home today from his trip, she may want to wait until the next rotation to talk to him. She told me "Maybe" then "I can't wait. I have to talk to him tonight."
Ok. So, here I am, eating my way through stuff because of my increasing anxiety level. DH and I have roll-played responses to an almost guaranteed nasty email radiating from his side of the fence about me propagating this discussion.
If he only did his homework about pubescent children and how they start to look at their worlds differently. This will be another foray into her exploring the more adult world.
Good luck on your negotiations kiddo. I sure hope he opens his eyes, ears and heart to you.
Last week, when CU-2 was home, she sidled up to me and asked me if she could talk to me. As she didn't really respond to my question about timing (right now, or later). So she led me to the "sacred space" aka the parent's bedroom where she started to unpack the baggage.
Out came her angst about her father and his partner. About her struggle with her feelings towards the rules and inhabitants of her other home. She commented that she loved her father dearly. She didn't like that she was told to stay in her room until they were ready for her to come out. That she couldn't play freely with her neighborhood friend or use the computer as liberally as she has there. And then there's the subject of his partner's car, window control and breath. (If I'm going to break confidence, in for a penny, in for a pound.)
I listened carefully, not offering comment (I think I bit my tongue more then once), except to ask her how she felt about something, or what she thought would be a better solution.
I offered to roll-play with her. I suggested that if she couldn't talk to her father without tearing up (or breaking down as she had done with me), that she could write out her thoughts and read it to him. (With that suggestion, she got a panic-stricken look on her face for fear that her father's partner would see [and eventually hear] what she had to say.)
We got to a point where she had enough talking. She felt comfortable with my suggestions that she talk to her father, asking for his attention alone - by going for a walk, a drive in the car, or, as she'd done with me, finding a quiet place to talk, so that she had his attention.
I encouraged her to think about what she wanted to say, and find an appropriate time to talk - not when he's busy with any one else, or by anything else.
* * *
I saw her a couple of times this week. Twice before DXH's partner came to pick up the children. (DXH was out of town this week ...) Each time I saw her, she started by saying "I didn't talk to him yet." No "Bonjour Maman!" She's very very preoccupied by the weight of her need to discuss things with her father.
Today I mentioned that, as he was supposed to be home today from his trip, she may want to wait until the next rotation to talk to him. She told me "Maybe" then "I can't wait. I have to talk to him tonight."
Ok. So, here I am, eating my way through stuff because of my increasing anxiety level. DH and I have roll-played responses to an almost guaranteed nasty email radiating from his side of the fence about me propagating this discussion.
If he only did his homework about pubescent children and how they start to look at their worlds differently. This will be another foray into her exploring the more adult world.
Good luck on your negotiations kiddo. I sure hope he opens his eyes, ears and heart to you.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
On again, off again
Since Mondayish, I've had an on-again, off-again relationship with my computer. My motherboard crashed and I've been (or rather DH) has been trying to re-piece parts of my virtual life back together.
Slowly, ever so slowly, I'm coming back on line. No email yet, but I have access to the outside world to read news and I'm now available through Yahoo!
Slowly, ever so slowly, I'm coming back on line. No email yet, but I have access to the outside world to read news and I'm now available through Yahoo!
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- It's Friday here. Is it Friday there?
- Yaky hair
- And yet another reason to post today
- Wii
- What goes up just goes higher
- The end
- D-Day
- Survival
- A two fold problem
- Vocabulary builder
- Taken from the inside of a washroom
- Better then a soap opera
- Playing chicken
- Humor in the every day
- Mixed nuts
- MegFowler made me do it
- It's Annie Lennox time again
- Breaking a confidence
- On again, off again