Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I was a way for four days. Just f-o-u-r little days, and what happens? All h-e-double-hockey sticks breaks loose.

- One of the three furry roommates pooped, albeit discretely, in the corner.

- My bank account got decimated (all legitimate expenses coming out).

- The paper recycling didn't get picked up. (Mind you, it might have been plastic and tin this week.)

- I got almost no mail.

- The mail I got was to tell me that my flipping order didn't go through because I had the nerve to give them a wrong credit card number!

- No one got me groceries so I came home to an empty (and dirty) refrigerator.

- I find out that sheet has been breaking out at work and I don't return for another 110 days.

- No one scooped the cat box (see first entry).

- CU-3 has overdue books.

- Came home to a message on the answering machine that CU-2 broke her arm again. (This time it's her other arm, the one she writes with.)

- Picked up emails from DXH part 2 (who's getting really really chummy) to say that CH-1 vomited in his car during the drive home on transfer day and was wondering what he'd had to eat. (It could be your breath that CU-2 complains about regularly.)

So, I'm having an OMG moment right now because DH is still away - not that I can't cope - I just can't cope with ALL OF THIS AT THE SAME TIME.

** Deep breath **

Dancing with the stars is almost on, and there was a sale of Little Debbies at our local neighborhood department store, so, I gotta' go.

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