Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The big "Y"

Josie asks "Why would it take so long for the kids to get a message".

Can I take this opportunity for a slight side jaunt and mention that when I've mailed something to the kids, they've mysteriously never received them, though if a reimbursement cheque is mailed to the same address, in the same week its cashed. Go figure.

So, back on track, and to Josie's question - *I* don't know.

The actions of the adults in that household kind of speak for themselves eh?


Josie said...

I didn't mean to open a can of worms. It was more of that No Internal Editor I problem I have. Some things come out before I can think.
I have an ex - I know the games they play.

richgold said...

Hey Josie - no can here ... it's a bucket that's been open for a while. I've got better days. Apparently none of them are this week.