1. Christmas Eve or Christmas morning? When ever the jolly fellow in red has completed his visit, which children are home, and how tired they are. (When the older kids are at their fathers', we skip to the following morning.)
2. Donner or Donder? Donner. No question. I never even thought there was an option.
3. Turkey or ham? Always an debate. Usually it's a beef roast. This year The Huz relented and we're having lamb. We might have ham too, just because I can't remember the last time I've had lamb in the house and the kids might not have tried it before.
4. Gifts opened all at once, or one at a time? With a family of six, this is a royal pain. But, we pretty much do one at a time, though those who are impatient have pre-cut/ripped their items.
5. Christmas tree: live or artificial? Alas, I lost the war on that one. The Huz went out for a real one last year and came back with a plastic, already hardwired (LED) one. Saves $40 a year I guess. (Did I mention that he payed a hundred dollars for it?)
6. Cards: boxed cards, family photo cards, or e-cards? E-cards? Heavens no. Thanks to VistaPrint, I make up family photo cards now. Makes me feel rich.
7. Christmas lights: incandescent or LED? See number 5.
8. Re-gift or not? Maybe. I learned this one the hard way. My bio-father gave me a old-lady watch when I was 13 years old. I took it back to Consumers Distributor (before they went bankrupt). He got wind of it and got really pissed. My mother said he was never really great for picking out gifts in the first place.
9. Gift wrap or gift bags? I prefer gift wrap, though have been know to put a few things in brown paper bags. In past years I've done brown paper on all the packages and wrapped them up with string, because, of course, they are a few of my favorite things.
10. Best Christmas song? Hard one there. The entire Messiah by Handel? And in particular the line that goes "And we like sheep" which causes me to smirk and laugh.) That's only because I can remember the song title. I like Santa Baby which is very popular these days. Love love love the songs from Peanuts (Christmas Time is Here).
11. Best Christmas movie? A Charlie Brown Christmas
12. Favorite family tradition? I had some. Divorce. Twice. Once when I was 12. The second when I was 32. Kind of changes things a bit. Though, since moving to this neighborhood about six years ago, I've taken up to doing some Christmas baking that goes to the local tavern's Christmas dinner.
And one more just for show:13. Evening mass, midnight mass, no mass? Evening
And, for the first time I can remember, they've got a boy angel. Now that's cool AND progressive.
Thanks Jen, that was fun.
Have you ever heard the Messiah performed live? Uh-may-zing. Pete and I heard it in the National Cathedral in Washington, DC one year and the opening notes nearly knocked us over -- they were that powerful.
Yes. Several times. There's a church here in the downtown area that has the Messiah sing along every year, and, a little know claim to fame is that I sang it on the stage of the Kennedy Centre in Washington, D.C. when I was 15.
A Charlie Brown Christmas....I Could easily watch this over and over again:)
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