Friday, February 16, 2007


I don't get it.

Before I left on my one year, self-induced exile, I implicity stated I was willing to do work (come into the office, or work from home.) Since then, I've repeated heard nothing from my manager(s), and I've heard through the grape vine that there's been lots of work, but that it keeps getting reassigned to other people. Sooo, what to do without sounding like spoiled grapes?

Well, one thing I'm doing is not going into the office. Out of sight, out of mind. The other thing I'm doing is hanging out at home, thinking about things. It seems that this thinking is hard work. Well, between that and CU-4 and my hanging together just is exausting. I'm finding that, oh, between 2 and 3:30 we tend to nod-off and miss some of the best televion (for example HGTV's I want that), though we have been getting up in just enough time to collect the assortment of siblings.

Perhaps it's just the weather and we're hibernating, or maybe it's my body catching up on all the sleep it missed for the previous four months.

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

It's not easy being the sole food grower and distributor.