Wednesday, November 29, 2006
A sad day in Muddville
Well, today was that day.
It all started off early. CU-1 hadn't done his work in class, so it was sent home. We worked a bit on it last night, but he clearly needed to apply himself more. Sooo, at six this morning, I woke up with a rubber snake in my face, and started the day trying to coax out answers about primary numbers and which had multiple dividers.
Surviving that, and getting ready for work in seven minutes, and to work only 35 minutes late (and having stand on the bus because people are inconsiderate here, especially during the morning rush hour), I get in only to get a call from DH that CU-1s back pack's been stollen from the school grounds.
Apparently he'd left it at the door he regularly lines up for at school, and accompanied CU-3 to her day care. Upon his return, it was gone.
So, I cancelled my morning meeting, called my boss saying I had to go, and headed back towards home.
CU-1 was stirred, though not too terribly shaken (more upset that he lost his J'aime lire (including the new one) then loosing his lunch, home work, or text books). I talked to his support teacher and explained the situation, and tried to get the ball to replace stuff. (By the end of the day, it doesn't look like anything happened. We all have to wait for his grade teacher to get better and return to the classroom).
So I drop by home, pick-up a replacement back pack, lunch bag, and snack for after school to give him a sense of normalcy, call the bank to cancel the cheque that was in his agenda for his previously lost text book, and headed out the door.
At work, I rescheduled the missed meeting, attended a webinar, and then tried to concentrate on overdue workflow diagrams for another project when I get THE CALL.
It was DH saying that CMHC denied our request to extend our mortage to cover the addition we've been working towards for the last two months. A roller coaster of emotions tries to rush through me. I'm too ... numb? at this point. It's been a rough weekend/week (CU-1 had his winter hat stollen, DH lost his glasses, CU-2's Brownie pins went missing, CU-3s feet grew so now we have to get her new shoes).
Last call into DH earlier this evening, before he headed into his next-to-last class is that all may not be lost. Apparently the appraiser didn't inlcude some paperwork with our request for assessment. The mortgage broker is resubmitting to see if it makes a difference.
What's kind of funny about this all is that every time I see a bus going the opposite way that I'm going, I get an urge to get on board. :D
Monday, November 27, 2006
You can lead a horse to water
So, drop-offs, 1, 2 and 3 go without a hitch. Drop-off 4 is at the end of the line, around a corner, turn East, turn West, kiss the one you love the best.
We had good directions for the most part. Got us right to the turn off, in the end. This wouldn't be a blog-worthy story if it weren't for the but now would it. DH, in his unusual forsight decided to look up directions on MapQuest.
MapQuest, in its infinite wisdom pointed the turn off as being on the left side of the road. Destinee's directions clearly stated make a right-hand turn. And there began the fun. Me yipping at DH that the school grounds are a marker, not the final destination. Him cranking back "MapQuest said ...".
Now this is the proper way to fight :D.
CUs 1 and 2 (of "My three dads" fame), take note. I'm sure the alternative Dad (AD) 1 and 2 don't fight this way :D.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The good, the bad, the ugly
Plans for domestic redevelopment are moving along as quickly as possible, and in our favour. It's a short week because there's a PD day Friday, which means that CU-1 and CU-2 will be home tomorrow night! In celebration, I'm taking those two to Happy Feet. CU-3 will go to day care for the day.
The bad? I had to out myself today at a meeting. Hi my name is **** and I'm the President of the Chapter. Arg. And my boss was there. Kind of embarrassing. Now she wants to put it in the internal newsletter. Didn't help that the talk was about marketing self and services ;-)
The ugly. The Ex. Parent-teacher meetings that I can't confirm the times to (because the CUs aren't with me this week), multiple calls, and notes to the school to clear things up and find out that I'm one of their more active parents and don't need to come to the meeting. :D
Hurray and one for the good gals!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The poetry of the French language
CU-2 wrote in a science test a remark about the success and importants of "les dĂȘchets de vache" for flowers and the earth.
CU-1 complained to me that there were "tracs de prunes" in the microwave and thus couldn't warm up his grain bag.
As much as I like the poetry in the language, I don't think these descriptions will help me pass my language tests.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Lesser of two ills, or Lord of the Flies wasn't so bad
"Yours", he replies.
Agh. I take a roll-and-swing to lift my aching bodies out of the bed to attend to CU-3s request for a "bay-gil".
Yes, it's the lesser of two ills weekend again. Both DH and I (and to a much lesser extent CU-3 are sick again. Alas, when we finally get our flu shots at the end of the month, it may be for not.)
We seem to be a very efficient lot, mostly getting sick on weekends, feeling ok enough to wander into work when Monday rolls around.
It's almost noon and the fuzzy headed huz is just rizing. He's insisting on getting up to insulate a little-used door. Oh no, I can't do it for the family, the he-man (who rarely got sick prior to this year) has a special way he wants to do it this year. Oh well. At least it will get done.
As for me, I'm getting caught up on laundry, sort of. Sitting folding socks doesn't take that much energy, though, watching Dora L'exporatrice and Max et Ruby for the fourth time in a row because I can't get up to find/wrestle the remote from the 2 year old is getting kind of trying.
CU-3 is in her glory. You want to eat halloween candy for breakfast and lunch? Go right ahead. Standing for the 2 minutes to wait for the bagel to toast has taken a lot out of me.
Lord of the Flies has nothing on me.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Hallowed weenies
Well, Halloween is over for another year. I found it to be a bit anti-climactic; a bit too rushed for my liking. It all started up at 5:15 p.m. and was over by 7:30 with all ghouls accounted for.
Doesn't help the spirits to know that CU-1 and 2 both have two tests each this week, and CU-1 and I usually spend a couple of hours doing the review (sounds excessive I know, but if you really knew and saw what was going on ... it really boils down to 1.75 hours telling CU-1 to stop playing with the cat, teasing CU-2 and 3, fiddling with this and that.)
DN (dear neighbor) came over to throw candy at the kids for us while DH and I prowled the neighborhood with "the spider", the red-and-black modern lady, and "the-visitor-from-the-spirit-world". They had a great time, though we didn't cover nearly as much ground in previous years, so the haul isn't as great. (That's just perfect with me. I'm looking for the children to have the experience of dressing up and running around with friends, then spending more time in the dentist's chair or on a treadmill later in life.)
We had about 100 revelers (98 but who's counting). Some without costumes, and well beyond their teenage years, though reports are that there were fewer then last year.
We also got some good feedback on the decorations. I figure it's just a warm-up to the winter installation. :D
All Saints Day followed with good, then bad, then good then bad, then neutral bits of news, a real roller coaster of stuff.
I found out that one of CU-3's teacher's has had a rough Fall with her FIL and her brother both passing away within two weeks of one another. She's holding it together very well. (I'd be a wreck.)
We also got the quick estimate from one of the contractors for a proposed rebuild of part of our modest house. Let me just say the price was immodest and a bit over the top. DH and I are going to start with pre-Christmas celebrations by trying to find places to trim the budget to make it more palatable to bankers from whom we need to seek a loan or new mortgage.
On the positive side of the register, for the first time this year, CU-1 got a red note in his agenda, and it wasn't berating his abilities, or lack there off. His teacher actually acknowledged that Georges was making a little effort to work in class and that she was pleased with that. Though, as backhanded complements go, the zing was that he still struggled during lecture time.
I guess I'm having an Oscar moment where I'm just grateful he was nominated.
But seriously, all things considering, it's swell that she tossed him, me, that bone. I appreciate the little enthusiasm she could muster. CU puts in the butt-in-chair-time that got him to this point and, reinforced by my not-so-idle threats (no books, no trips to the library, reduced computer time, and generally an unpleasant existence for the week he's home, and then there's the threat to go sit in class with him) are not falling on deaf ears.
CU2 and 3 are noticeably jealous of the time I spend with him, so I try to balance it out during weekends, and other times when it can be fit in. Time with CU1 isn't always fun and games and an whole lot of fighting goes on, so I can't see what there is to be jealous of. I *really would* like to watch Dora L'exploratrice or Sixteen with you, rather then reviewing geography or the multiplication tables.
But, that's the life I lead. With the exception of a few bumps along the way, it’s a good life.
Besides, it's just one more sleep to coffee night with Perpetual Chocoholic. Woo hoo.