Friday, April 28, 2006

Bad chocolate? Never

Ever hear of bad chocolate? I haven't. That is until I got some "sale" chocolate. Left over stuff from Easter.

I decided to share it with my good friend who has a specialty in the subject area. Sharing the box over a cup of coffee and a heartly laugh, she carefully made her first choice.

"Tastes like mothballs."

What? I said as I crunched down on a particularly hard peach creme.

As she took another that looked a bit more promising, I surveyed the tray, trying to match up the legend.

"This one tasts like urine." "

Urine? How do you know what urine tastes like?" Wait. I don't want to know ...

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Exhibit A

and Exhibit B


This would explain why there's never toilet paper for me to use!

Saturday, April 22, 2006


I think it's time to buy a lottery ticket as I figure I'm one of the most lucky people I know. Really, now, what are the chances that if the toilet paper roll is going to be empty, it'll be on my visit?!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I am the very model of a modern major-general

I fell like I've been shaken, stirred and poured out of a Gilbert & Sullivan musical.

Things started off nicely this week, just as in their jingles, and then it speeds up and speeds up and speeds up.

With a short work and school week before me, I was sincerely hoping that the teachers would take pity on the children and given them a light load this week. Nooooooo. CU-1 has two tests, a book report and his regular word list search. CU-2 has one test, and comprehension questions, not to mention Brownies this week. Then there's my second-language homework to do.

Toss in CU-3's theme for the week "A girl's gotta have fun" and it makes for an interesting mix.

Wouldn't change it for the world. As CU-2s been saying to me "Da da da da da, I'm loving it."

P.S. I'm wondering when she's going to figure out that R-O-L-A-I-D-S spells relief.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Slow news day

It's not like things have been slow at this end. Actually they've been pretty much racing along as usual. Stuff just seems to ordinary to report.

The weekend was lovely. _A lot_ of park time for the children. I think we went every day but today.

Easter was fun. I was remarking to my DH that it's not the same as it was when I was a kid. It's not that my parents went out of their ways to do anything unusual. There just used to be more formalness to the weekend (not doing anything except sitting quietly Good Friday, reflecting on the crusifiction until 3:00 p.m.) and then, of course, the bunny droppings on Sunday.

CU1, 2 and 3 got to collect their bunny droppings. CU-3 really didn't get into it like the other to. Still to young I guess. Though shouts of "bun bun" and "booooonnniiiee" could be heard regularly when she found the fuzzy plastic ones around.

DH worked Easter Monday, as I did, sort of. Crunch for my current employer is a special thing and is considered quiet voluntary (union says so). Sure beats working 12 to 14 hours six days a week as I did for my first employer in my current profession.

So I put in a bunch of hours today to help out a colleage on her project and will head into work early to do some more work.

I'm hoping it's a light homework week as I'm trying to catch up on many things: sleep and laundry being the top two.

It's going to be a heavy week because I have to facilitate a group at the end of the week (for which I have to prepare) and I've got two volunteer activities that are starting to flare-up and require my attention. (This should be interesting).

I can also discount next weekend as DH has three finals to write. That leaves him out of the picture for most of the week as he prepares for those.

Maybe we'll be lucky again next weekend and have a bit of warmth and sun which will allow CU3 and me to play outside. (This weekend I got some peas, lettuce and beats in ... we'll see if they actually take.)

I also took a heap of new pictures for those who are tracking that sight.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

simple words

Free your heart from hatred.
Free your mind from worries.
Live simply.
Give more.
Expect less.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Adventures in parenting

CU-3. With her around, one would do best to eat one's Wheaties.

She's started to address her father by his first name. She's taught herself how to get out of her bed. She's also taught herself how to exit the front door. And let's not forget that she knows how to use a chair, stool, pile books, boots, lids, coats, back packs and anything else she needs to get to where she needs to be.

Tonight she went to the library, selected her reading materials, and took out her borrowers card ... all by herself.

For a treat, we stopped in at the park on the way home. She decided she didn't have enough fun (following one of my house rules "don't come home until you've had enought fun") and decided to give her papa a hard time. This lead to her deciding to run away from home (to the porch of the home across from the park). Her papa deciding to see what she'd do, walk to the end of the block and hid behind the tree. CU-3 saw her chance and headed back for the park. Oh, we're going to have a harder time in about 12 years ...

Monday, April 03, 2006

There is something in the water

It's CU-3, and CAT-3 wants some of what he's got.

In the last year we've fostered a few overaged kitten wannabes. She's the latest and greatest. Purrnella does tricks and has us all trained. One of the very special things is that she likes the freshest of water.

When we go by the bathroom, Purr is usually there waiting for some one to put the tap on for a trickle. She's got us humans trained really well as I frequently walk into the water closet to find the tap providing a steady stream and no one around to blame.

Well, tonight everyone was doing his or her own thing and not giving her a nevermind. She decided that she'd better take matters into her own paws and gingerly mounted the side of the tub, balanced, and extended her neck and head towards CUs tub water.

"Maman Purr a bu mon l'eau!"

Oh Purr, better be careful 'cause it's not bathtub gin!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Short fuses

I think there must be something in the water.

I was talking to a good friend last week who suggested she and her significant other wasn't right as rain recently. Tempers flaring, gnashing of teeth, fueled by ... who knows.

There's just been a lot of short fuses lately. I'm suffering (and suffering is the word) with such. I can't claim that it has to do with the cycle of the moon this time as that event has come and passed. I do wonder though if it has to do with events that occurred five years ago and that haven't quiet worked themselves out of my psyche ...

April 1 is an anniversary of sorts for me. It's five years ago on April 1 that my first husband and I said adios (actually, he said nothing ... his actions spoke clearly enough). As with my parent's divorce, it took me many many years to get through the wild and (what I thought) unpredictable mood swings during the few days around that anniversary. Now, almost 25 years later, the date passes without any notice.

I really hope to small gods that those whom I love dearly do not have to withstand these unwelcome trade winds for that long.